Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Trees come into leaf

Across the valley from my cottage is a steep hillside covered in woodland except where some rocky outcrops poke through. The overall effect is quite stunning. It is in fact a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees; most of the deciduous ones have come into leaf now. When I first moved to this part of the village in 1995 I recall having to wait till the start of May before the trees started to put on their 'summer clothes'. Unusually there has hardly been a frost so far this year.

The tulips in a friend's garden are well out now and in yesterday's Western Morning News there was a beautiful picture of the stunning tulip display in Dartmouth's Royal Avenue Gardens. Must grow some next year! Also seems to be an excellent year for primroses - I have no shortage of them. Have seen one or two blue butterflies and my neighbour had a green woodpecker visit his peanut feeder the other day. There's always something happening in nature isn't there.

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