Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Pete Goss off in his latest adventure

Following a very pleasant weekend yesterday was thoroughly miserable in the Tamar Valley but the wet weather proved to be no deterrent to yachtsman and adventurer Pete Goss as he set off from Newlyn on his latest voyage. The boat he and his companions are sailing in 'Spirit of Mystery' is a replica of the 37 ft 'Mystery', an open Mounts Bay lugger built in Newlyn.

It was in the late autumn of 1854 that seven Cornishmen set sail from the same port for Australia in search of a better life than the harsh one they were enduring at home. Peter is attempting to recreate the same journey using a similar boat and like them navigating by sextant and the stars. One small difference though is that 'Mystery' has a crew of just four: in addition to Pete there are brother Andy, son Eliot and brother in law Mark.

As in the case of the epic 1854 journey there will be a stopover in Cape Town. Goss is hoping his timing is right so that other members of his family can meet up with them in South Africa at Christmas.

One crucial difference between the two voyages 154 years apart is that today we have an incredible communications system. This will allow those captivated by Pete Goss's dream to follow his progress. Much more information can be found on his website by clicking here. It just remains for me to wish him the very best of luck on this really exciting project.

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