Wednesday, 7 March 2007

A couple of butterflies and lunch on the patio

A dry day today with some reasonable warmth and sunshine. Sunny enough in fact to see a couple of butterflies on the wing over the garden. These were a peacock and a brimstone. And although it has now clouded up somewhat (late afternoon) it was pleasant enough to take advantage of the weather and eat my lunch on the patio. Eating out of doors is a particular pleasure I find, memories now coming back of having tea in the garden when we were children. A good many pubs and cafes in this neck of the woods have outside seating facilities which is excellent to see. Maybe it's all these foreign holidays people go on but folk seem more inclined to eat outside these days or so it seems to me.

I managed to get some work done in the garden during the afternoon, of the general clearing up kind. On a previous occasion I had mentioned the abundance of moss in my garden, not too surprising bearing in mind the damp air so prevalent in Cornwall plus the fact that the sun is still low in the sky. Bramble is another species that thrives here! My primroses are well out and as usual the aquilegia (columbine) has self seeded - like forget-me-not once you have it in the garden you'll never be without it!

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