Monday 4 August 2008

Time to resume blogging

This blog has been very quiet lately. My excuse for this state of affairs is that I have been heavily involved in putting on the annual Gunnislake Festival. Not just me you understand but a very small committee of dedicated folk who pull the stops out each year to provide some exhibitions and entertainment for locals and visitors alike. I was going to make the 2007 event my last one but was persuaded to stay on against my better judgment! But I definitely am going to sever my connection with the committee from the next AGM, I'm involved with other things locally and this is now one committee too far. Time for fresh blood methinks (I'm not the only one to resign from the committee, one or two long serving members feel that they have done enough).

Hopefully now I can get back to more regular blogging although there are a lot of other 'catch-up' things to be done. A little more to say about our recent Festival in my next entry (perhaps).

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