Saturday 2 June 2007

Calendula sown

A friend has recently sown some calendula seeds (English Marigold) and she has kindly passed on the remainder of the packet she didn't use. Like her I'm very fond of these flowers and prefer them to the other types of marigold which I believe are more susceptible to slug attack. In the past I've bought already established plants so am crossing fingers that I will be successful. They are 'Orange King'; not only do I like orange flowers but with golden rod and evening primrose everywhere I have plenty of yellow flowers. And this year I also have yellow loosestrife kindly donated by another near neighbour.

The woodland across the valley has already lost its fresh green look and taken on the dark green mantle of summer. I always want to slow the clock down in May - it would be nice to have that delicious new green of the trees for just a little longer and of course the bluebells flowering. We are so lucky with our bluebells in the westcountry because they appear not just in the traditional woodland setting but in hedgebanks, on the moors and on the coast. So far as the last named habitat is concerned a particularly good location is along the north approach to Start Point in south Devon. Although the UK is I understand the best country in Europe for the bluebell there is concern that it might eventually be replaced by its more vigorous cousin the Spanish bluebell. These are the ones often seen in people's gardens but can't be compared surely with our native ones. Then there is the potential effect of climate change on their distribution I suppose. A worrying future for the bluebell.

1 comment:

brian in the tamar valley said...

Some of the calendula did pop up but then the slugs said "thanks very much", so they are all gone. I've bought some replacement plants, usually they are good at repeat flowering over a long pertiod.