Saturday, 2 June 2007

No extra runway space at Exeter or Plymouth

In the same week that has seen the start of the enquiry into providing a second runway at Stanstead north east of London it is good to read that the managements at both Exeter and Plymouth airports have declared that they are not seeking extra runway space. Well hooray for that at least. Exeter International Airport have now got new owners of course and I'm pleased that they have made this statement that they do not need another runway even with the rapid growth of numbers flying from there. Plymouth had thoughts of relocating its airport but I'm glad that idea hasn't resurfaced. The owners say they don't plan to lengthen the runway which idea had also been mooted.

I accept that in terms of the British economy civil aviation has been a great success and that government is keen to further expand airports. But I would say "enough is enough". From an environmental point of view surely we have sufficient planes flying around and that there has to be a top limit to the amount of flying permitted. As usual our politicians set a poor example: we had David Cameron making a private flight from Oxford to Hereford and we had Tony Blair flying up to Sedgefield in the north east to make his resignation speech. So, as ever, do as I say not do as I do.

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