Saturday, 20 October 2007

Quiet autumn weather

Following on from the dreadfully wet summer we are having some compensation now with quiet autumn weather. In my neck of the woods the last week or two seem to be averaging one very wet day to the other six of the week being dry. That's a balance I'm happy with.

Here are one or two random thoughts about the present weather situation:
  • We are on the verge of having some ground frosts in the Tamar Valley and I believe some parts of the country further east and north have been colder. This is good principally because we need colder weather to kill the midges that have brought bluetongue into this country. Frosts might also reduce some of the garden pests that are getting out of hand.
  • It was good to see in Tavistock earlier this week people sitting outside to drink their tea or coffee. Tavistock, for all its many virtues, is not particularly well known for a dry sunny climate, lying as it does just below the western scarp of Dartmoor. But I can think of at least three cafes in the town with tables and chairs out in the fresh air. This culture has developed in a big way recently which is good news.
  • The last few years have seen dire warnings from the Environment Agency about lowered water tables and streams drying up more especially in the populated south east. After this summer's rains there was a worry that if similar weather happened this autumn further extensive flooding could occur purely because the water table has become much higher. Fortunately this hasn't happened (yet).
  • I have a large apple tree at the bottom of the garden which is absolutely laden with fruit. So far this season there has only been one incidence of strong wind and nearly all the apples have stayed on the tree.
  • With many dry and reasonably sunny days it helps to maximise the daylight. I'm not keen on days when a wet dark evening starts halfway through the afternoon!

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