Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Daffodil walk delights

Following on from my last entry and with the dry weather still holding on I was pleased to show three good friends (and two canine companions) the daffodil valley I had previously mentioned. My friends were delighted and amazed by the spectacle the flowers presented. It was a fine time to visit as there were still a goodly number of snowdrops out as well. There are a number of varieties of daffodil here and their flowering will be spread over the weeks to come. All to the good as this could be an excuse to visit again. In this valley one sees the remnants of packing sheds in various states of repair which were used by the helpers for bunching up the flowers. The valley has so many echoes of the way life was in the area and not so long ago either.

We were all well pleased with our visit to this really special place.

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