Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Fastnet Race: over half of the entries have retired

Not being a yachtsman I don't follow the Fastnet race as a rule but the competitors sail off the south coast of my two counties when outward bound and finish at Plymouth after traversing the treacherous waters to the south of Ireland; the Fastnet rock is I understand the most southerly outpost of that country.

It is of course the weather that has given rise to me making this particular entry. With very bad sea conditions well over half of the entrants have retired before leaving the English Channel. Most of these have turned into Plymouth but some have sought refuge elsewhere - I hear that Salcombe harbour was one such.

The weather has been none too pleasant here with a deep low sweeping across our patch. But living someway inland from the sea I don't necessarily realise just how bad the conditions are. Having said that I frequently listen to the early morning shipping forecast on Radio 4 such can be my preoccupation with the weather.

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