Monday, 20 August 2007

Rachel de Thame and superfoods

On Friday there was yet another worthwhile TV programme to view. This was a Gardeners' World Special in which horticulturist Rachel de Thame explored the subject of so called superfoods. It was well put together being a mixture of interviews with informative experts (nutritionists etc) and Rachel demonstrating how to grow various food plants. It appears that blueberries are the 'superfood' of choice at the moment, probably down to all these colour supplements is my guess. But Rachel was at pains to point out that there are many other berried fruits that could do you as much good. It seems that there are plenty of traditional food plants around that are good enough. She described how the different fruit and veg had the variety of nutrients, anti oxidants and other goodies that the body needs. The freshness from growing your own was also emphasised.

I understand that Ms de Thame is a mother with four children - that hasn't stopped her from being slim, fit and bright eyed. In fact Rachel's appearance was a great advert for the content of the programme!

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