Saturday, 24 January 2009

Celandines and a grey wagtail

Following my last post on mimosas I'll now write in a more positive vein. So it's nice to be able to mention seeing yellow celandines in flower down by the river yesterday. All right not the magic carpets of yellow that hopefully will be in evidence next month but at least a promise of things to come. For the avoidance of doubt I'm talking about the lesser celandine here but the much rarer greater celandine does occur not too far from my home. A good deal of gentle bird calling too with tits being particularly active. Another pleasing sighting was that of a grey wagtail - I'm surprised I don't see them more often but perhaps they are a bird more of upland streams and rivers where the water is always fast flowing.

The weather forecast for the week ahead suggest that the current changeable regime will continue but we are at least getting some blue skies between the rain belts and luckily the worst of the precipitation has been occurring after dark in my two counties.


Barbee' said...

I don't have the Celandines like those in the U.K., and my seasons are later than yours, but right now we are enjoying our Eranthis. I just did a post about them with photos. A reader's comment led me to Google Celandines, which in turn led me to your post. Enjoyed my visit. I am in Kentucky, U.S.A.

brian in the tamar valley said...

Hi. Thank you for commenting on my blog and I'm glad that you enjoyed your visit! We are apparently about a fortnight behind with our spring flowers blooming because our winter has been harsher than in recent years. A few daffodils coming out now in some places (although those in my garden are a little later).

I've very much enjoyed looking at your blog as well.