Sunday, 28 January 2007

Review of Mr Corbyn's forecast

On the third of January I made an entry about Piers Corbyn who had predicted a particularly cold snap between the 10th and 20th of this month. So how did he get on? Well we did have a few days of relatively cold weather, but nothing exceptional for January. The problem was that the cold spell started when it was supposed to have finished! The 10 days earmarked by Piers were mild, wet and windy. (They included the day the crew of the MSC Navoli were rescued off the south coast of Cornwall).

So far I have looked at Mr Corbyn's forecasts as written in the media as I haven't paid to get any direct information from him. In December and January he has been wide of the mark; I'm looking forward to any future reports of his forecasts with interest.

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